Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter Wonderland.

I have not posted on here since I was pregnant almost two years ago. I am trying to work at doing more creative things that I used to enjoy. Being a mother has been all consuming. So I am going to try to do posts on here again. I moved to Boston from Los Angeles last spring. This is my first real winter! It hasn't really snowed much yet, so far it's been a very mild winter. I am enjoying the cold weather. It did briefly snow the other day, Wren and I watched out the window for like an hour. It was beautiful, the falling snow dancing in the wind...I am looking forward to winter for many years to come. I love the white scenery, roasted vegetables, hot tea and coco, wooly socks, snuggles by the fire, sledding adventures, snowball fights, warm family dinners.

Friday, April 25, 2014


I am currently 4.5 months pregnant and it's hard to not be consumed by the motherly instincts growing inside me. Come September I will have a whole other little life to care for, nurture and love. To say I feel a flood of emotions everyday would be an understatement. Just looking at these images brings me to tears. I know babies are born every second of everyday but when you have a tiny life growing inside of you - it feels like a miracle. I am excited, terrified, overjoyed, filled with wonder and love about this new chapter I am about to embark on. I am sure no one else can quite understand like other mothers out there. I already have so much love for this baby I can't even imagine how I will feel once she is born and I am holding her in arms and looking at her sweet, little face. I don't think anything can prepare you for that overwhelming love you will experience. I will say to my baby girl, I am already so honored to be your cocoon, your home, your nest, your mother. I will do the best I can to help you be the best you can you ever be. 

To all you mother out there, human, animal, whatever you are...thank you for all the love you bring into the world.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Red. Red. Red.

With Valentine's Day coming up, there's a lot of red out there. It's such a bold, rich, gorgeous color, and also happens to be my very favorite. It occurs in all sorts of ways in nature, there are red rocks, fruits, vegetables, flowers, gems, foxes, birds, pandas, coral, fish, bugs, nebula...There's red wine, lips, nails, hair and candy. So many gorgeous shades of red. Whether red is bright or dark makes a difference concerning what it represents. Bright red is the color of fire, blood, heat and power, and is a symbol of the life force. Throughout Asia, bright red is a lucky color. Buddhists consider it the color of activity and creativity. In Japan only women and children wear bright red. It also appears on flags, stop signs and emergency buttons, indicating danger. Some consider it the color of lust and seduction. Bright red is also the color of love, romance, passion, youth, beauty and emotion. A red faced person is one who is angry or embarrassed. Dark red, on the other hand, is seen as the red of spiritual initiation, of forbidden esoteric knowledge, of the blood inside the womb, of the fire inside the earth, and of the mysteries of life. It is the color of the soul and the heart.

However, wherever it occurs, it is my favorite of all the colors.

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